All company land is freely available to residents for leisure purposes. This does not include any activity that involves placing objects on the land or erecting a structure.
From time to time, residents may want to use company land adjacent to their property in conjunction with building work or property maintenance. If this is the case then the resident must seek permission. Unauthorised use of company land is regarded as trespass.
If the company permits such use then there is a fixed charge of £50 per month plus reinstatement costs. The reinstatement costs will be waived if the resident restores the said land to its original condition. The above charge applies for small areas of land immediately adjacent to the resident’s property. The charge may be higher if a larger plot is required.
The above applies to residents only. Use of company land by non-residents is by negotiation and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Parking on Company Land
The Company does not allow the parking of any vehicles on its land. Vehicles can cause considerable damage to grassed areas. Some areas get vey boggy. We have had instances where vehicles have become stuck and have needed to be towed out. Any vehicles parked on Company land will be deemed to be trespassing and illegally parked. Vehicles not removed when requested will be charged £50 for every day parked on company land plus costs if damage is incurred. Appropriate legal action may also be taken.