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Garden Wood News Update March 2025


Our roads seem to have a large number of potholes this year.  One of our directors reported some large holes on the estate and they were quickly repaired. Roads and footpaths in our area are the responsibility of West Sussex County Council Highways Dept.   They only get repaired if they are reported. 

You can report them on the WSCC web site. (westsussex.gov.uk) This also has a good section on their policy on road repairs.  Below are some guidelines from that site. 

They will only repair potholes over 40mm – 100mm deep by 150mm wide. They will try to repair these within 28 days. Holes larger than this are repaired within 5 days. Smaller holes are not repaired on a one off basis but get picked up on routine inspections. There is an emergency number for very large holes that are an immediate risk to public safety. If you report a hole, give its size (width and depth) and an EXACT location. Its a good idea to add a photo if you can. WSCC have a dedicated patch team going round repairing the smaller holes.  They are kept very busy. 

Remember:  Pot Holes don’t get repaired unless they are reported.

