G.W Resident Co Ltd
                                                         General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR Privacy Statement

In May 2018 new GDPR legislation came in force. It has put a legal responsibility on those that hold data. The legislation is complex and far-reaching but still applies to companies as small as ours. At G.W Resident Co Ltd we hold the minimum amount of personal data necessary to manage the company.
As a registered company with shareholders, we are legally obliged to maintain a list of shareholders and to provide Companies House with an annually updated list of shareholders. We also need to invoice our shareholders for the annual maintenance payment so we keep a record of maintenance payments for billing purposes. We do not hold bank details.

To comply with the above the company holds the names and addresses of all shareholders. If shareholders have had direct contact with the company we may also hold their phone numbers and/or email addresses.

We do not disclose any of the information we hold to third parties.
If you have any questions or concerns about the way we hold your data please contact us.

Jan 2020